women turning down a thermostat

For the continued success of Minnesota's Conservation Improvement Program (CIP), we will need to accurately assess our state's potential for electric, 气体, and carbon savings on the demand (customer-facing) side.

This study clarified Minnesota’s potential for demand-side efficiency and provides a pathway for our state's homes and businesses to continue achieving significant energy savings through a three-layered approach:

  1. Estimate statewide natural 气体 and electric energy efficiency and carbon saving potential in Minnesota for 2020 – 2029.
  2. Produce actionable data resources that will inform utilities of which emerging technologies, program delivery models, 主要市场领域, and policy approaches can be targeted to maximize cost-effective energy efficiency.
  3. Provide multiple opportunities for stakeholders to participate in the project to help advance robust energy policies and CIP programs in Minnesota.

Comprehensive Approach

This project was funded by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources, 通过 Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program, and is being conducted alongside another CARD funded 潜在的研究 looking at energy saving potential on the supply (utility-facing) side. Together these studies will help Minnesota consumers and businesses save energy, 减少能源开支, and reduce air pollution. They are intended to maximize energy efficiency in homes, 商业建筑, 电力公司, 农场, 新建筑, 还有更多.

Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) was the lead researcher for this study. 




Inform the MN's CIP decisionmakers regarding which market sectors, 地理区域, utility service territories, 结束使用, 措施, and programs can be targeted, and reach consensus policy recommendations, that will help maximize cost-effective energy efficiency potential statewide.

The utility reporting tool enables results of the 潜在的研究 to be examined in more granular detail, 包括:

  • Individual utility (Both electric and natural 气体)
  • 建筑部分
  • 最终用途
  • 测量

Note that the modeling inputs for this 潜在的研究 were varied by model region when supported by available data, but many assumptions were statewide. 看到 实用程序报告工具s Guide 欲了解更多详情.


**For full functionality, this tool must be viewed in full-screen mode, which can be accessed using the full-screen icon at the bottom right corner of the tool.